Published inBootcampCase study: Adding a restaurant feature in MyFitnessPalPopular by health and fitness fanatics all over the world: MyFitnessPal. It’s a web-based diet and fitness social media app, acquired by…Aug 20, 2021Aug 20, 2021
Improving Udrafter’s sign up processUdrafter is the brainchild of the Scottish brothers Daryll and Luke Morrow. In 2017 they launched their service, matching (freshly…Aug 19, 2021Aug 19, 2021
How UX can support museums in attracting more visitorsMuseums are in crisis. That’s the summary of the intro that came with our brief. Institutions struggle to engage young people in cultural…Jun 6, 20211Jun 6, 20211
Let’s reverse engineer! Basic-Fit’s app Workout feature from finish to startIronhack UX/UI Bootcamp Prework Challenge 2: WireframesMay 21, 2021May 21, 2021
Purchasing public transport tickets without the hassleIronhack UX/UI Bootcamp Prework Challenge 1: CitymapperMay 16, 20213May 16, 20213